
The IPC regularly works with other regulators, within Canada and internationally, on public education and policy matters. This page lists the joint resolutions and statements the IPC has issued with our federal, provincial, and territorial (FPT) counterparts and the international access and privacy community as part of the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA).
FPT Resolutions (Canada)
- (2024) Responsible information-sharing in situations involving intimate partner violence
- (2024) Identifying and mitigating harms from privacy-related deceptive design patterns
- (2023) Principles for Responsible, Trustworthy and Privacy-Protective Generative AI Technologies
- (2023) Putting the Interests of Young People at the Forefront of Privacy
- Companion document for organizations
- How organizations can help protect young people online (resolution in plain language)
- (2023) Protecting Employee Privacy in the Modern Workplace
- (2023) Facilitating Access to Government Information
- (2022) Ensuring the Right to Privacy and Transparency in the Digital Identity Ecosystem in Canada
- (2022) Securing Public Trust in Digital Healthcare
- (2021) Effective Privacy and Access to Information Legislation in a Data-Driven Society
- (2021) Reinforcing Privacy and Access to Information Rights During and After a Pandemic
- (2019) Effective Privacy and Access to Information Legislation in a Data-Driven Society
- (2018) Securing Trust and Privacy in Canada’s Electoral Process
- (2017) Safeguarding Independent Review of Solicitor-Client Privilege Claims
- (2016) Protecting and Promoting Canadians’ Privacy and Access Rights in Information Sharing Initiatives
- (2014) Protect and Promote Canadians’ Access and Privacy Rights in the Era of Digital Government
(2013) Modernizing Access and Privacy Laws for the 21st Century
FPT Joint Statements (Canada)
- (2022) Recommended legal framework for police agencies’ use of facial recognition
- (2021) Privacy and COVID-19 vaccine passports
- (2020) Privacy principles for contact tracing and similar apps
GPA Resolutions sponsored or co-sponsored by the IPC (International)
- (2023) Resolution on artificial intelligence and employment (IPC co-sponsored)
- (2023) Resolution on generative artificial intelligence systems (IPC co-sponsored)
- (2022) Resolution on principles and expectations for the appropriate use of personal information in facial recognition technology
- (2021) Resolution on children’s digital rights
- (2021) Resolution on data sharing for the public good
- (2021) Resolution on government access to data, privacy and the rule of law
- (2020) Resolution on accountability in the development and use of artificial intelligence
- (2018) Resolution on e-Learning platforms (IPC co-authored)
- (2016) Resolution for the Adoption of an International Competency Framework on Privacy Education (IPC co-sponsored)
- (2016) International Competency Framework for School Students on Data Protection and Privacy (IPC co-sponsored)
A list of all Global Privacy Assembly resolutions is available here.