Tag: Trust in Digital Health

Showing 1 - 10 of 49 results

Comments responding to the proposal to enhance personal health information contributed to the provincial electronic health record (EHR)

Letter to the Ministry of Health responding to the changes proposed under the PHIPA regulation mandating contribution of personal health information to the electronic health record, and reiterating the need to ensure that personal health information is protected in systems used to assist in


- Published on Jul 22, 2024

Administrative monetary penalties under the Personal Health Information Protection Act

The Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario (IPC) is committed to protecting personal health information using a flexible and balanced approach that addresses privacy violations while encouraging accountability, learning, and continuous improvement. As of January 1, 2024, the...

News Release

- Published on Jan 1, 2024

Administrative Monetary Penalties: Guidance for the Health Care Sector

As of January 1, 2024, the IPC has the discretion to issue administrative monetary penalties as part of its enforcement powers for violations of the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA). Download the guidance document to learn more.


- Published on Jan 1, 2024

Submission for Bill 135, Convenient Care at Home Act, 2023, which would amend the Connecting Care Act, 2019

In this letter to Brian Riddell, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Policy, the IPC makes recommendations in relation to proposed amendments to the Connecting Care Act, 2019 .


- Published on Nov 20, 2023

Comments and Approach for PHIPA Administrative Penalties

Letter to Ministry of Health on support for and approach to proposed administrative penalties under PHIPA, highlighting their importance in enforcing healthcare privacy and access rights.


- Published on Oct 17, 2023

Notice of change to PHIPA Practice Direction #3

Document Updated: A change to PHIPA Practice Direction #3 took effect on October 10, 2023. Learn more As of October 10, 2023 , the IPC may publish PHIPA decisions at any stage of dispute resolution, including early resolution, investigation, and adjudication. This includes publishing the name of the


- Published on Sep 6, 2023

Comments on Bill 60, Your Health Act, 2023

This letter to Goldie Ghamari, Chair of the Standing Committee on Social Policy, was intended to present the IPC’s views on how amendments to Bill 60 can better enhance transparency and privacy protections of Ontarians’ information with respect to the Integrated Community Health Services Centres Act


- Published on Mar 28, 2023

Privacy Day 2023 Event: Building Trust in Digital Health Care

Digital tools open up great new opportunities for more efficient and effective health care. They also introduce new privacy and security risks to sensitive personal health information. How can health care organizations become more resilient against privacy breaches and cyberattacks? How can they...


- Published on Jan 31, 2023

IPC Privacy Day Event

Event - January 27, 2023, 8:30am - 11am
Resources mentioned in the video Resources from the event: IPC Strategic Priorities (1:22) Info Matters podcast — Putting patient trust at the centre of virtual health (3:42) Securing Public Trust in Digital Healthcare (6:42) How to Protect Against Ransomware (12:54) Info Matters podcast — From the

Submission on Bill 106: Obligations and authorities of Ontario Health Teams and access to records in electronic format

As Schedule 4 of Bill 106, the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022 (Schedule 4) would amend the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) by introducing new regulation-making powers, the IPC submitted recommendations to Ernie Hardeman Chair of the Committee Standing


- Published on Apr 11, 2022