Tag: Practice Directions

Showing 1 - 10 of 22 results

IPC launches new expedited process

The IPC has launched a new expedited process to resolve certain access appeals and complaints more quickly, so parties can get to resolution sooner. The expedited process applies to certain types of access to information appeals under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)


- Published on Jul 9, 2024

Practice Direction #13 - Expedited Processes

Practice Direction 13 outlines the IPC’s new expedited process to resolve certain access appeals and complaints more quickly, so parties can get to resolution sooner. This new practice direction falls under the IPC's code of procedure for access to information appeals under the Freedom of


- Published on Jul 8, 2024

Privacy and Access in Public Sector Contracting with Third Party Service Providers

This guidance provides practical advice for public sector organizations to help them identify privacy and transparency considerations when contracting with third party service providers. It includes best practices and recommendations to support proper accountability for records and personal


- Published on Jun 17, 2024

Notice of change to PHIPA Practice Direction #3

Document Updated: A change to PHIPA Practice Direction #3 took effect on October 10, 2023. Learn more As of October 10, 2023 , the IPC may publish PHIPA decisions at any stage of dispute resolution, including early resolution, investigation, and adjudication. This includes publishing the name of the


- Published on Sep 6, 2023